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Int 2F Fn 1607  - MS Windows - "vnetbios" Virtual Device API               [W]

   AX = 1607h
   BX = 0014H (VxD identifier of "VNETBIOS")

Return: ES:DI -> 128-byte table specifying VNETBIOS actions for each NetBIOS
       command code (see below)

Note:  VNETBIOS (Virtual NetBIOS) calls this function to determine whether
     the NetBIOS has an extensions Windows should know about

See Also: AX=1607h/BX=000Ch,AX=1607h/BX=0015h

Values for action code:
 00h   "VN_Unknown" unknown command
 04h   "VN_No_Map"  no memory mapping necessary
 08h   "VN_Map_In"  input buffer is quickly used, so no global mapping needed
 0Ch   "VN_Map_In"  output buffer is quickly used, so no global mapping needed
 10h   "VN_Map_In_Out"  buffer is quickly used, so no global mapping needed
 14h   "VN_Chain_Send"  the chain-send command
 18h   "VN_Cancel" special case for cancel command
 1Ch   "VN_Buffer_In"  buffer is incoming
 20h   "VN_Buffer_Out" buffer is outgoing
 24h   "VN_Buffer_In_Out" buffer used for both incoming and outgoing data

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